Sarah Ray Schwarcz

Living somewhere between reality and fantasy, with a bit of magic sprinkled in for good measure

Today is 'tude-day' — Fortitude, Attitude, Solitude

Apr 20, 2020 by Sarah Ray Schwarcz
As we all become more skilled at adapting to our 2020 changed circumstances, I extend hearty long-distance hugs to families and friends and coworkers. Our tightest hugs go to all our Health Care workers, Teachers, Parents, Students — whose lives have been most impacted. You are all heroes.

Sometimes being a hero involves one huge act. Now, it involves keeping our spirits up over a long period of time, exercising patience when things warrant a giant scream, helping a 3rd grader cut a cookie into fourths to learn fractions.

If I had to pick a most difficult time to publish a book, April 2020 wins, hands down. Yet here we are, and I am thrilled to announce, "Here it is!" 

Pearls and Knots is a memoir, a grandmother’s story about her family... her life’s magical moments... and her never-too-late  journey. Read all about this new book.It's available on Amazon for purchase today.
Pearls and Knots Book